Dapur Penyet Restaurant

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penyet fish

Sine 2009, Dapur Penyet has enjoyed as endearing reputation for serving a true and original Indonesian cuisine in Malaysia with our first outlet in Maju Junction Mall (JL Sultan Ismail) and keep expending to several outlets in Ampang, Kota Damansara, Wangsamaju, Cyberjaya, Cheras, Seremban and more outlets to reach out to more market diversity.

Our famous delicious food like Ayam Penyet, Ayam Sambal Hijau and Iga Bakar has gained such publicity and continuous support from the local market and it was a great homour for Dapur Penyet to be showed in TV 3 Program (Jalan Jalan Cari Makan) with other media coverage as well.

The cuisine that is brought to you by Dapur Penyet uses & complex blend of various spices that evoke the traditional flavours. And most importantly, Dapur Penyet is using a home grown Malaysia’s own produced raw ingredients, spices, herbs, poultry and vegetables. All the raw and fresh materials are treated to special attention, each served with the flavours and sauces that brings out their best elements.

The translation of ‘Dapur’ literally means Kitchen in general, thus conveying a message that the menu we serve offer more choices in order to cater to wide range of customers. ‘Penyet’ itself means a traditional way of flattening the seat, which merely & unique way to tenderize using a hand crafted wood or stone.

Dapur Penyet offers a comfy and meal fast food style environment in order to blend with the fast paced lifestyle nowadays, and aiming to serve true traditional food. A fusion of traditional and modern Indonesia. Dapur Penyet is a blend of all the finest elements in tares of both menu and design concept.

Our main objective is serve a true original Indonesian cuisines, with the aim to let our customers feel the great dining satisfaction with affordable price. Our great kitchen and service team do continuously upgrade the menu variety, service, standardized cooking system, cleanliness, and supporting the fact that the kitchen is using home grown harvest and has been served since our ancestors generation.

The Perfect Lunch!

Fresh and delicious

Franchise Zon Timur -Terengganu
Program Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan TV3
Majalah Saji
Program Bersamamu TV3

If you are interested to be part of our business venture, please fill in the online form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.